Dr. Joe Reed
Dr. Joseph Reed hails from La Plata, Charles County, Maryland and is an alumnus of La Plata Senior High School, class of 1980; he enlisted into the U.S. Marine Corps and served 23 years, retiring in 2003 at the rank of Master Sergeant/E8.
Dr. Reed came to know the Lord on the island of Cuba in 1981 where he was discipled by a Staff Sergeant. While stationed in Yuma, Arizona, he met a Navy Chaplain who was instrumental in helping him understand the call of God. While attending a Promise Keepers Men’s Conference in Los Angeles, California, Dr. Reed heard God calling him into preaching ministry. His initial sermon was conducted at the Yuma base chapel.
Dr. Reed was baptized at Woodbridge Christian Church, Woodbridge, Virginia, where he was ordained as a deacon and served in both Men and Youth Ministries. He partners with e-3 Ministry Partners (formerly Global Missions Fellowship) and began world-wide, short-term missionary, evangelism and church planting in Venezuela, Russia, Uganda, Romania, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic.
In 2001, Dr. Reed was licensed to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and served as an associate minister in charge of Christian Education and Jail and Prison Ministry in a Baptist Church in Dumfries, Virginia. Additionally, he made his walk to Emmaus in the Fredericksburg Emmaus community and is a past Emmaus Board of Directors’ member and Community Spiritual Director.
Dr. Reed holds Bachelor of Ministry, pastoral studies concentration from Virginia Baptist College Fredericksburg (2008); Master of Divinity degree from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, Lynchburg (2014); Doctor of Philosophy degree (Pastoral Ministry) from Newburgh Theological Seminary (2017).
Ordained in July 2008, under the Wheat and Tares Ministries, Lorton, Virginia. He has severed as Senior/lead pastor of two local churches in Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania. He currently serves as the Lead Pastor, Turning Point Christian Church, Fredericksburg, Virginia.
Dr. Reed is married to Kimberly Bonner of Dayton, Ohio. They have two adult children: Christina and Marcus and one grand-daughter Hope.