That very question has consumed my thoughts. Is the Christian church still relevant today? By and large, the American culture has become hostile to the gospel of Jesus Christ. And making matters worse, some fellowships have succumbed to culture influence by reinterpreting the Scriptures from a humanistic perspective. Is there a necessity of preaching Christ in a world that wants nothing to do with Him? It is apparent the church has entered the new millennium with its shift in perceptions and assumptions. What the Christian church is sensing is a turn in how the American culture functions.
Let’s be honest. This present era has a sea change of ideas, morals, and practices that run counter to the commandments of God. Yet, the voice of Paul cries out “I have declared to both Jews and Greeks that they must turn to God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus” (Acts 20:21).
This is our primary directive – to preach Christ’s message until the whole world hears! We refuse to turn the church building into a warehouse for storing Christians. The Goodnews gospel is just that…good news! Only through Christ can we have eternal life and approach The Father, therefore, the church will always be relevant to shifting cultures. We who are faithful to preach the full counsel of God, will never water-down the Word of God, to win some, who refuse to demonstrate transformational change. Jesus said, “If you love me, you will obey what I command” (John 14:15).
The members of Turning Point Christian Church are simultaneously, uncompromisingly committed to the unique authority of the Christian message (Acts 19:8; Romans 1:16). Without shame, Christ is not only necessary for our justification, but also for our sanctification. We remind everyone that we are not able to do anything that meets God’s standards of holiness without a continuing spiritual union with Christ. This is what shifting cultures must not only hear, but also how we live and conduct ourselves in a world that remains hostile to His Church.
Don’t be fooled. Grace is not merely overlooking past sins but the present reality of Christ’s righteousness to our account. Without Christ, we have no righteousness; no standing before God, and no hope. Our ministry objective is to connect the unconnected. Turning Point Christian Church is a place where everybody knows your name. Come, fellowship with us, you spirit will be glad you did!
Pastor Joe