Our community is full of brokenness. Brokenness is apparent in marriages, families, and economics. We try to cope with brokenness in addictions, success, and doing good things. None of these things remove us from the brokenness in our lives and community. There is a more perfect way to come out of brokenness. It has been said, “before we set out to change our community, we must make a plan for anchoring ourselves spiritually.” If we are not spiritually rooted, you can fall into the trap of having the “savior complex.” Author Frank Banfill said “Too many Christians are stagnant.” I agree with Banfill. He is correct in his assessment that Christians are underemployed regarding the Great Commission (Matt. 28:19-20).
Can God really use me to change my community? The answer is a resounding “yes.” God uses ordinary people who make themselves available to Him. God can raise you up in participating in outreach ministry, allowing you to present the good news gospel within your community. God gives us a significant audience to deliver His message to our community. Another such audience is in our relationships with other persons. Remember, we are called to love our neighbor. What is our starting point? Our starting point is living in intimacy with God. I believe with my whole heart, we are strongest in prayer and ministry when we are living in a close, personal relationship with God. This, I believe, is the heart of our Christian walk from which we develop a meaningful and effective prayer life. Another would be to participate on a short-term foreign missions’ campaign. I can attest how my spiritual walk with the Lord grew exponentially when I went on my first mission’ campaign in 1997 to Venezuela. My friendship with others was a means of sharing myself and my relationship with Christ. It allowed me to make a friend; be a friend; introduce your friend to Christ.
Upon my return home, my confidence in sharing the gospel message of Jesus Christ, allowed me many opportunities to speak not only about the mission campaign, but also about my relationship with Jesus Christ. God wants to use you and me to change our community by being authentic in our faith. We carry the light of Christ with the God-given right to drive out darkness; to remove brokenness and hopelessness and replace it with the joy of the Lord. For where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. What are you waiting for?