The television series “Cheer” is an American sitcom series that ran on NBC from September 30, 1982 to May 20,1993 with their opening theme song “Where Everybody Knows Your Name” written by Gary Portnoy. That theme song resonated with me and continues to resonate in my spirit, by stirring up an intense desire to create such an environment here at Turning Point Christian Church. Think about it, you walk through the door and everybody greets you because they know your name. From my perspective, the impact would be incredible. Of course, this can only happen when the congregation is saturated with Jesus’ presence through His people!
Here is a novel though, the one who makes friends simply must first shew himself friendly (Proverbs 18:24). Unapproachable people remain lonely and tend to miss out on much of what spiritual life has to offer. Here at Turning Point, leadership places a premium on having members introduce themselves to others. If a person does not appear to be friendly, others will pass that person in their quest to cultivate friendships.
As the lead pastor, my mission to ensure the presence of a welcoming atmosphere exists. Our doors are open to people seeking spiritual truths, community and service based upon the context of salvation offered by Jesus Christ. We welcome people from all walks of life. There is a place for you here at Turning Point.
In closing, Turning Point Christian Church is “Where everybody knows your name and we are always glad you came. Turning Point Christian Church is where you want to be, where you can see, we all share the same troubles and sins.” Come on, take your rightful place among some great Americans, who worship and service Jesus Christ.
Pastor Joe